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Salem City Rewind

Jen Bell

This vintage photo from Salem County shows the north side of East Broadway in downtown Salem. Unlike many of the photos we share with you, this one is actually dated 1905. That's 110 years ago. While more than a century has passed since the photo was taken, possibly from the balcony of the Nelson House on the south side of the street, some of the buildings still stand today. At far left is the Union Fire Hall which today is the Salem City Fire Museum. Next to that is the Dunn Building which is still there. Among the others seen in the row, some have been replaced and others remain in a renovated or decaying state. (File Photo)


Looking back 100 years ago in Salem County for this week in 1915, these news items were included in the Salem Standard and Jerseyman. They appear throughout the week today in print in the Times in our Salem County History feature.

  • Paul Erhardt at 193 East Broadway in Salem is selling new Victrolas ranging from $15 to $200 -- cash or on time. He also carries 3,000 records in stock.

  • Some say the sweet potatoes and yams from this season's crop are especially tasty.

  • More ladies around the county are being spotted behind the driver's wheel of automobiles.

  • Additional train cars loaded with coal have made their way from the mines to Salem County towns as merchants continue to lay in extra stock for the upcoming winter.

  • Gunners are saying they are having better luck with fowl than with deer in their outings.

  • We have heard of some from the county who will take work during the Christmas season with the large Philadelphia department stores.

  • Many area farmers, now that the season is over, are picking up extra money with a side job at the DuPont Powder Works.

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